Clinical Hypnosis. What is it and how do we use it?
You may have heard a lot of confusing facts about hypnotherapy.
It's not that complicated.
Hypnosis moves effortlessly, from the physical real to that of the mind.
It can help people increase their self-esteem, control or eliminate unhelpful habits or behaviours and deal effectively with the everyday and extra-ordinary stresses and anxieties of modern life.
It can help with breaking habits that lead to overweight or smoking, or more serious problems, (sometimes connected with repeated or over used behaviours).
So, what is hypnotherapy?
Well, it's a safe and entirely natural system that allows you to tackle and overcome many problems, starting with the therapist's help and then taking control yourself.
There is no loss of control in hypnosis, there is no ‘battle of wills’.
There is only a listening and learning process begun and controlled by you.
In Clinical Hypnotherapy a channel is opened to your unconscious mind, which allows you reveal and to focus more easily on healthy options and priorities. This can help you to overcome, or better manage any recurrent difficulties or persistent problems.
It's a very long established and highly researched scientific treatment, (For example, hypnotherapy is currently used in NHS programmes and protocols in operation throughout the UK. Most notably for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, (IBS) depression. It is also used to help patients undergoing Chemotherapy to help them manage their symptoms).
In its most basic form the concept of a sort of wise, transforming contemplative state has been within the human psyche since far beyond the dawn of recorded history.
Hypnosis does not even require you to close your eyes, (although that can sometimes be useful to help you focus your thoughts).
All effective hypnosis is, in the final analysis, self-hypnosis,
Therefore when someone is treated with hypnotherapy they make all the important choices about their treatment themselves. Just as you are completely in control of your decision to read this text.
Even as you read this now, you may notice that you are naturally tuning in to the words and tuning out other distractions, so you can pay better attention and increase your knowledge.
You could be in a familiar light trance state.
So. The reason hypnotherapy is often so successful is because it is, in fact, and familiar a process
to all of us.
Importantly, Plum Lane Hypnotherapy
recognises that Clinical Hypnosis can be effectively combined with other psycho-therapeutic techniques. When appropriate we can offer bespoke combination
Along with more traditional hypnotic therapies offered to each patient, a holistic variety of other treatments are available at PLum Lane Hypnotherapy.
They include CBH (Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy), REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy) EMDR (Eye Movement Desensetisation and Reprocessing), NLP (Neuro - Linguistic Programming), CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and other 'Psycho Analytical' techniques.
In the 'Treatments Offered' section you can
see some of the varied uses to which clinical hypnosis and combination treatments can be put.